Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Last Dragonborn - The Journal of Johan Abbot #21

---Heartfire, 19th, 4E 201---

  I am glad that I decided to bring the dog, Meeko, with me. He is a well-trained hunting dog able to fell anything from Elk to Wolves. It was truly a blessing to have him at my side this morning while hunting game for their pelts, which I then crafted into simple armor for sale to Warmaiden's in Whiterun. It took until three in the afternoon to use up my stock, at which time I returned to Aela to inform her of my latest victory over the Silver Hand. She told me to keep my voice down: Harbinger Kodlak had come to hear of our vendetta.
  I met with the man, and he ordered the vendetta to stop. Then he told me the true tale of how the Companions became werewolves: that they were not gifted the power by Hircine, but cursed with it by a coven of witches in his service, and that any Nord with the beast blood is robbed of their chance to go to the halls of Sovrngarde upon death and instead swept away to Hircine's eternal hunting grounds. While Aela would surely relish this, the aging warrior is of a different mind. He wishes the curse upon himself to end. To end it he must have a head of one of the members of the ancient coven. I have agreed to attack the coven and retrieve it.
  From there my band of five set out for Riverwood to, hopefully, recover Jurgen's horn and learn what it is that Delphine is up to. Surprisingly, given my history in this land, we succeeded at both. It turns out that Delphine is a Blade! A living member of the old order of the Emperor's guard from before the great war, who has somehow escaped eradication by the Thalmor! As a boy I always wanted to join the Blades, and now I learn that I can assist their possible last member at doing what the Blades were originally formed to do: killing dragons.
  Delphine handed over the Horn, and revealed that, using the Dragon Stone, she was able to locate the ancient dragon burial mounds around Skyrim and not only prove that the dragons are returning not from another land, but from the dead, but also deduce where it is that the next dragon will appear in just a day or so. The map on the Stone has drawn her to Kynesgrove north of the Rift. I am to meet her there as soon as I can. First, though, I want to return the Horn to the Graybeards and complete my quest. We sleep in the carriage again tonight on our way to Riften.

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