Sunday, March 29, 2015

Digimon Adventure ND Book One: Manipulamon Reigns - Chapter Twenty-Two

There isn't much to say about this chapter. I wanted to illustrate that battling an Ultimate (Mega) Level version of Manipulamon would be a fight on an entirely different scale from any previous fight, so I wrote an entire chapter dedicated only to establishing that. End of story. 

Chapter Twenty-Two


Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Yu-Gi-Oh! Reaper - Chapter Seven

A lot later than I intended it to go up, here, finally, is chapter seven of Reaper! I tell you, sometimes the things that you have the most definitive ideas about can be the hardest to put to words, as the visuals and events in this chapter were. I wanted this all to look and feel a certain way, and it didn't translate well to paper. I think I did alright, but more than any before it, expect this chapter to receive edits down the line. Otherwise there isn't much to say. This chapter, hopefully, speaks for itself.  

Chapter Seven


Sunday, March 22, 2015

Digimon Adventure ND Book One: Manipulamon Reigns - Chapter Twenty-One

Here is another double chapter, because this is the chapter where, finally, after so long, Manipulamon reappears. In fact, this is the first time that our heroes actually meet him in the flesh, and yet I never felt the need to involve him more in the story. His shadow has been cast over everything. There has literally not been a single chapter, as far as I can remember, where his name hasn't been spoken, save the first. We have gotten to know Manipulamon's character through his mechanations, and his influence over others. While I could have written more encounters between Manipulamon and the Digidestined, I didn't really have to, and so such encounters would only have served as padding. So this, Manipulamon's technically first appearance, is also going to be his last.

But first we get a huge fight where I make a bunch of robots fight a bunch of bugs. This story is super serious, you guys. 

Chapter Twenty-One

Manipulamon’s Final Strike;
Battle GranKuwagamon!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Yu-Gi-Oh! DF Book Seven: Their Most Dangerous Enemy - Chapter Nine

So finally, as promised, Yugi shows up in this book. Monty's duel with him will make up this chapter and the next. It is mostly just Yugi and Monty paling around, even though they honestly didn't know each other for very long, and Monty was much younger than Yugi at the time. Still, Yugi makes friends with, like, every one of his enemies on a regular basis, and Monty is friends with Lawrence, so to say that they make friends easily would be an understatement. It makes sense that they would still see each other as friends after so long.

This chapter also finally lets Yugi in on the actions of the Duel Force through his pre-duel talks with Monty. He knew something was up, but didn't know exactly what until now. Whether or not this ever impacts anything is up in the air, but the details are there now for me to use them if I ever want to.

Next week is Reaper, so sorry for the cliffhanger, but not really. Muahahaha! 

Chapter Nine

At Kame Game

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Digimon Adventure ND Book One: Manipulamon Reigns - Chapter Twenty

I could have made this chapter a huge, action-packed battle between good and evil with a clearly malicious villain and no gray areas, where the good guys beat the bad human and saved the day, having to make hard choices regarding how far they would go to stop him, and deciding that the right thing to do would be to let him live, even if it meant that they would have to face him again some day, but I don't. I take all of that and throw it out the window, and I go in a completely different direction, showing how far Manipulamon will go to gain an advantage, and showing that there is good in (mostly) everyone, no matter how bad they seem.

Including Pyro Tucker, an alternate to my Yu-Gi-Oh! DF character Paul Tucker, in this book, I intended to explore how the character could be different, and I think I did that pretty well. In this story, no version of John ever met and helped Tucker become a better person, so when he was put into a situation where he had the choice between good and evil, even though, at the time, he didn't realize the reality of the situation, he chose the evil side so that he could take his years of anger out on those weaker than him without consequences. However, once he realizes the truth of things...well, you'll see. Let's just say that deep down this Tucker is no more "evil" than the other one, and it took his time in the Digital World to show him that. 

Chapter Twenty

The Last Human Appears;
John Versus Pyro Tucker!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Yu-Gi-Oh! DF Book Seven: Their Most Dangerous Enemy - Chapter Eight

After so much time with John and Karen, and with Sarah and her group, we break away to see what Monty and Lawrence have been up to for the last couple of years. Because, at this point, I've finally gotten tired of torturing these characters, they finally get their due. They have had their off-screen training montage and surpassed their previous limits. Lawrence even feels that he's reached the level of Seto Kaiba. Their magic has gotten stronger. They even get new forms of a sort. I also think this is the fest time that I mention Monty's interest in real life trick magic, a fact which was always supposed to be part of his character, but never came up. Yeah, I'm giving legitimate character growth to Monty and Lawrence. I'm a little surprised too.

And yes, there is a subtext to this chapter. You get cookies and cake if you pick up on it and figure out what it means. Well, that's not true. The cake is a lie.

Aaand my outdated meme quota for the day is officially met.

Chapter Eight

Other Quests

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Digimon Adventure ND Book One: Manipulamon Reigns - Chapter Nineteen

This chapter is a long one. In fact it is almost twice as long as one of my normal chapters. When I was first writing and posting this story, this was designed to be a double-length chapter, as it introduces the final location and begins the final act of the entire book. It also introduces the Machine Empire, and their leader, the honorable Machinedramon, who are important allies to the Digidestined going forward.

Machinedramon exists in this story for two reasons. One I can't mention, as it is an important plot point in book two, but the other is because, ever since he was in Digimon Adventure as a villain, I loved his design. I wanted to include a Machinedramon in my story. One who would stick around for a while and kick some butt (Machinedramon in the anime went down super easy to a single attack). 

Chapter Nineteen

Machine Citadel;
The Digidestined Go On the Attack!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Yu-Gi-Oh! Reaper - Chapter Six

Finally, another chapter of Reaper! There is nothing special about this one. It's just setting up for the next chapter. Sorry I basically Rick-rolled you. Still there is some interesting character stuff in this one, especially for James. Oh, and Reaper tells Ellie his name. That's important too. I guess stuff does actually happen. Go figure.

Chapter Six

Sharing Stories

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Digimon Adventure ND Book One: Manipulamon Reigns - Chapter Eighteen

This chapter is a whopper. It's a little longer than my usual chapters, because it features the final fight with Jeremy, and the first clear description of the "other human", the one who was at Drimogemon Village, and who almost seems to be following behind our heroes, watching them.

This chapter also sets up the plot for the rest of the book. Things are going to change from here on out. The battles will get bigger, and the stakes will get higher. Manipulamon's endgame is beginning, and the kids decide that they need to play too.

The final line of this chapter may seem a little less dramatic that it's intended to be. I'll admit that, even though I tried to give it added weight through Jeremy's dialogue, it is really meant for the people who have read my Yu-Gi-Oh! DF series. 

Chapter Eighteen

In The Nick of Time!
We'll Battle Jeremy As One!