Sunday, May 31, 2015

Digimon Adventure ND Book Two: The Terror of Tyranterramon - Chapter Two

I wrote Manipulamon Reins a lot like an adventure story. I wrote this book very much like a Shonen series, with "moar powuh!" moments and overcoming enemies with determination, and learning the new technique, and the long fight that lasts the entire narrative, and all of those familiar tropes. In a Shonen story there is always that moment when a new threat arrives and the heroes hit him/them with the thing that beat the last guy and utterly fail. That's what this chapter is. Maybe it's a spoiler, but in this chapter InfernoKnightmon, the guy who tanked a hit capable of burning through an impenetrable wall, and then killed a living extinction level threat with a single attack, is barely a match for Tyranterramon, who isn't at full strength yet. This is the chapter where the heroes realize that they will have to reach a new level of power to defeat their foe. They just have no idea yet what that is, since their previous "next level" doesn't do the job.

Chapter Two

Tyranterramon vs. InfernoKnightmon

Friday, May 29, 2015

Yu-Gi-Oh! DF Art Special Update!

I recently recovered the data off of an old hard drive of mine where I had all of the art and the pages from my short-lived Yu-Gi-Oh! DF comic, as well as the associated character test art (what little there was). I figured that, since the only art that I've posted on this site of the characters comes in the form of the little cover images at the beginning of some of the chapters, I might as well post what I have. I've included one image before the jump just to give a little taste of what's to come, but I promise, there is a lot more inside.

An image of John at about the time of Book 5 

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Yu-Gi-Oh! Reaper - Chapter Ten

Finally I actually got one of these up on time again! I'm very proud of myself. This chapter, titled confrontation, features one confrontation that I know I've been looking forward to writing, and I hope you've been looking forward to reading. It was a confrontation that had to happen, as it is very important to the development of Max's character. This chapter also foreshadows a lot of stuff to come next chapter, and in future chapters. Next chapter, also titled Confrontation, is the big one, featuring the confrontations that have more direct impact on the story as a whole, and set in motion the final direction of the story.

Chapter Ten

Confrontation, Part One

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Digimon Adventure ND Book Two: The Terror of Tyranterramon - Chapter One

I'm not going to lie, this book is very straightforward. There is a lot of running, and fighting, and running, and fighting again, but amongst all of that there are bits and pieces of the history of the world I created hidden. Jigsaw pieces that make a big picture which is revealed as the story approaches its climax. It is really just one long fight, but there is more to it than that to be spotted by the careful observer.

Also, what I really enjoyed about this book is that we get to see the Digidestined use every skill that they learned in Book One to fight this new threat. They use their tech, their Digivolution experience, and even use the knowledge of their Crest traits to unlock new powers. More than anything, though, they have to become hardened fighters, and no two characters go about it the same way as the story progresses. I show this through John and Jeremy, so keep an eye on them.

Basically I make this a war story with Digimon in it. And no real opposing army, just the massively powerful Tyranterramon. You could say that I made him to be an analogy for how monstrous war can be, but really I just thought fighting an indestructible skyscraper-tall barbarian would be really cool.

This chapter picks up literally where Book One left off, and has practically zero recap, so if you haven't read Book One, you might find yourself a little lost. Fair warning.

Chapter One

Return to the Digital World

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Yu-Gi-Oh! DF Book Seven: Their Most Dangerous Enemy - Chapter Fifteen

Yay, buildup. And exposition! Two ingredients which make up the greatest of stories. No, but in all serious, it has been literally years since some of these characters have seen each other for an extended period of time, and even longer since they have come together to fight some group of villains bent on hurting them or worse. This reunion is a big deal. Plus, there are, like, three mysterious badass figure reveals in this chapter, and I personally love that particular cliche, so I had a blast writing it.

Next week, of course, is Reaper. Then we start with the big event: The Duel Force confronting The Card Professors. These duels will take some time, so expect a lot of action chapters to come, followed by a kickass final battle, and a few twists that I hope will be genuinly intriguing. So stay tuned! Or whatever people say when talking about written stuff...

Chapter Fifteen

Coming Together

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Digimon ND Special #1: The First Digidestined - Chapter Four

And Special #1 ends. It is about as relevant to the overall plot of its series as the first Yu-Gi-Oh! DF special was, but I had a lot of fun writing it regardless. There really isn't much to say about this chapter. It is the action climax and the resolution. Pretty standard stuff. We do get some cool character stuff for Fredrik and Glary, though, at least, and since I do hope to revisit these characters at some point, any amount of development helps.

Chapter Four


Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Yu-Gi-Oh! DF Book Seven: Their Most Dangerous Enemy - Chapter Fourteen

In this chapter, Karen continues to be all BAMF-y as she duels Pegasus with a deck of random cards. Despite the odds, she more than holds her own. It's clear pretty early on that she even has a decent chance of winning. Also, as the duel comes to a close, she comes to a realization about herself, one which will change the course of her life from this point on, and spell trouble for any enemy who dares to challenge her going forward.

Chapter Fourteen

A Draft Deck vs. The Master of Toons?
Karen vs. Maximillion Pegasus Part Two

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Digimon ND Special #1: The First Digidestined - Chapter Three

Another really short chapter. Actually this is really only its own chapter because I wanted a cliffhanger. Either way, we get Glary's past from his first-hand perspective, and a little action, and because this is a special I can justify the length, since this is more for fun than anything else. If there are chapters this short in Book Two, I'll have to lengthen them...

As for the chapter, I really only have one thing to say: annnggst!!! 

Chapter Three


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Yu-Gi-Oh! Reaper - Chapter Nine

Wow, I simply could not get into the mood to write this chapter. This is where, for the first time, the darker side of the vigilante lifestyle has to be addressed. Max may be of the Batman mindset, that killing criminals should be avoided, and El might only be interested in killing one man, but their lives still come with steeper consequences than most. The end of the chapter is leaning toward hopeful, but the rest of the chapter is anything but, and while I think it came out okay, and is interesting, writing it was a drag. I don't like stripping the happiness from my characters, I really don't.

Chapter Nine


Sunday, May 3, 2015

Digimon ND Special #1: The First Digidestined - Chapter Two

One of the things that I really enjoyed about writing this special was that, due to the framing device of Mechmon telling the story to his friends, I could rely a lot more on straight up narration to set the stage. It sounds less like a story recalled first hand, and more like a legend or fable, and that's exactly what I was going for.

Chapter Two

Fredrik Caryston