Sunday, November 22, 2015

Digimon ND Special #3: A Threat from Our World - Chapter Four

And everything wraps up nicely, after a battle involving a pretty unique form of Digivolving that resembles Bio-Merge. The role of the Nokitas is revealed, and even Chief Thompson gets in on the action, thanks to some new friends.

The next story is Book Three, in which the Digidestined are forced by a powerful opponent to fight in a video-game-esque series of battles against her minions and her generals. She has changed the very nature of the Digital World to make this possible, and she has even stripped the Digidestined of a lot of their powers. Can they hope to win? Unfortunately it might be a while before you find out, as this story is still very much a work in progress.

Chapter Four


Sunday, November 15, 2015

Digimon ND Special #3: A Threat from Our World - Chapter Three

The battle resumes, and our heroes actually do okay despite the fact that the enemy human has powers of his own that make things difficult. Does this mean that the fight is over? Ha, yeah right, things are about to get waaay worse.

Chapter Three

The Face-Off

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Digimon ND Special #3: A Threat from Our World - Chapter Two

An injured John is saved by a mysterious ally, who also has a Digimon partner. Unlike John, however, this young man doesn't have a hero complex. So what if he is the one destined to defeat the villain threatening the city? This whole Digimon thing has a lot to do with destiny after all, something that John knows better than anybody. Can he convince this young man to help in time?

Chapter Two

The Nokitas

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Digimon ND Special #3: A Threat from Our World - Chapter One

The next special has begun, and it is about a threat that has actually originated in our world. It turns out there are others with Digimon, and not all of them are good people. Luckily John and Sarah and Chief Thompson (the alternate to the Yu-Gi-Oh! Reaper character Detective Thompson) are around to deal with it. The threat that Jen faced was big, but this enemy is even more dangerous.

This special, like Special #1, uses characters created for me by some of my old readers on, so shout out to them if they ever stop by here.

Chapter One

An Unseen Menace