Saturday, October 11, 2014

Yu-Gi-Oh! DE/DA Crossover Special!: A Threat To Us All - Chapter Seven

Not much to say here. John acts kinda like an arrogant ass, but that's pretty normal. We also get to see some of the upward limits of the shadow beings, and they're pretty impressive.

Chapter Seven

Things Actually Get Worse


The Shadowy Behemoth lunged right at me, its claws outstretched, teeth gleaming in its mouth. Lucky for me, my opponent had acted too prematurely. In a regular Duel it would not have been able to attack for a full turn and the effect of 'The Reliable Guardian' would have worn off. Unluckily for me, my opponent's monster, despite being only a one-tribute monster, had twenty-eight hundred Attack, and Piercing. It shattered my 'Statue' and caught me in the chest with the tips of two of its claws (4000 -> 3900).

As I was wondering what kind of one-tribute monster could have so much Attack and a strong effect, I was relieved to see that, as my new opponent's turn ended, the shadows which made up the body of the monstrous creature begin to melt away. The monster would fall apart completely in only another one or two turns. Worse come to worse, I would just have to last that long. Of course if it was at all like the Shadow Soldier, when it did self destruct, it would leave a piece of itself behind, a problem that I would just have to deal with as it came.

I drew and I played a Spell, "'Miracle Rupture' let's me send a Rock monster from my deck to the Graveyard and draw a card."

I leafed through my deck and discarded 'Criosphinx', shuffled, and drew again, "Next I play 'Premature Burial', paying eight hundred Life (3900 -> 3100) to revive a monster from the Graveyard, like the monster I just discarded. Come out 'Criosphinx'!"

A living stone statue with the body of a lion, the torso of a man, and the head of a ram rose up out of the ground, his arms crossed.

"And I tribute 'Criosphinx'," I declared, "to summon my strongest monster."

'Criosphinx' grew larger and glowed gold, charging shape until it was a towering golden Egyptian statue with large fists, sealed to each other at the knuckles, and a large headdress, resembling the legendary 'Exodia'.

"Introducing 'Exodd, Master of the Guard'," I said proudly (DEF: 4000). "You can't get past us, but you're welcome to try. I end my turn."


As I fought my opponent, I watched out of the corner of my eye as Marco's opponent summoned another of the Shadowy Warriors. Marco retaliated with a face-down card, and the summoning of his 'Armored Dragon', a humanoid dragon in green armor (ATK: 1900). The dragon charged the warrior and destroyed him brutally (4000 -> 3800), leaving behind a Wisp.

Meanwhile Charlie took his next turn, "I equip my 'Grandmaster of the Six' with 'Legendary Ebon Steed'."

A black warhorse in black armor appeared, and the elderly samurai mounted it (ATK: 2100 -> 2300).

"'Shien' attack," Charlie commanded, and 'Shien' swung his fiery blade at the Shadow Phantom, destroying it. Charlie's opponent would have taken considerable damage, but he instead revealed a Trap which projected a black barrier, turning the flames from 'Shien''s blade back at Charlie (3000 -> 1500), and of course destroying the Phantom left a Wisp behind. Charlie being Charlie, however, didn't react in the slightest to his sharp loss of Life. Instead he commanded 'Zanji' to destroy the Wisp, and 'Grandmaster' to attack directly (4000 -> 1600).

Of course, calm and stoic as he is, Charlie didn't hold a candle to his opponent, who, having no face, couldn't react even if he wanted to. He gave no indication of his hand or his coming play as he revealed another Shadowy Trap card, a corrupted version of the Spell 'Monster Reborn', unhampered by 'Shien''s effect. The Shadow Phantom appeared again, rising up out of the ground.

Charlie ended his turn. His hand was mostly depleted, and he had no Traps to set, so he could only let come what might come. I saw the Shadow Creature play a Shadow Spell card. Darkness poured from that card and swirled around the Phantom, becoming a dark aura, which increased the monster's power, though I'm not sure just how much. All I know is that when the Phantom struck my brother this time, he fell to his knees and then slumped over backward, unconscious. I imagined that I hadn't seen it, that my brother was, as far as I knew, still fighting at my side. Otherwise I wouldn't have been able to remain focused on the task at hand.

It was about then that Kimi was defeated as well. I heard her cry out as a Phantom summoned by her opponent struck her, knocking her onto her back, where she lay unmoving. Having dueled Kimi myself, I knew her to be one of our strongest. If it weren't for the small amount of pleasure I got from seeing her former opponent turn to the unpleasant girl, Ria Something, whose 'Combo Fighter' had just managed to strike down a Shadow Creature with a flurry of kicks (ATK: 1600/LP: 2700), I probably would have panicked. Instead I watched Ria turn to face her new enemy with determination in her eyes as she set a card and passed, and I turned back to the duel at hand.


My opponent, of course, wasted no time demolishing my good mood. He drew, and he summoned 'Phantom Skyblaster', a fiendish blue beast with twin cannons on its back (ATK: 1100 -> 1600), which, as soon as it was summoned, spawned two weaker, paler clones of itself (ATK: 500 -> 1000). That wasn't too bad by itself, but my opponent also activated the Spell card 'Solidarity', increasing the Attack of all of his monsters further (Giant Germs: 1500 -> 2300/Skyblaster: 1600 -> 2400/Skyblaster Tokens: 1000 -> 1800), and revealed the Trap card 'Aqua Chorus', increasing the Attack of some of his monsters even more (Germs: 2300 -> 2800/Skyblaster Tokens: 1800 -> 2300).

"Well," I said, taken aback and trying to save face, "that sucks in so many ways, but you still can't get past my 'Supremacy Sun'."

I gestured at my monster, and he gestured impressively, reminding the enemy monsters who really had control of the field. They didn't seem impressed, either because they were hideous demonic creatures incapable of forming human facial expressions, or because my opponent still wasn't through with his turn. My opponent revealed a second Trap, 'Burst of Darkness', which can only be activated by a player who controls three or more Dark monsters. The card weakens opposing monsters up to the number of Dark monsters that its controller has in play. I watched energy from the Trap spread to my field, constricting 'Sun', weakening him just enough (3500 -> 2700). I was stunned. I'd underestimated my opponent at every turn and left myself vulnerable, and as I stood there, I wondered why. I'd come into this battle planning to take it completely seriously, and yet I'd allowed myself to be arrogant? What had I been thinking?

So as the Core Creature gestured again, directing the first of his 'Giant Germs' to slam into my 'Supremacy Sun' and destroy it (6700 -> 6600), I stood there, resolved to take this duel seriously from that moment forward. The second 'Germ' rushed forward, meaning to slam into me, and I deflected it with my Neo Dark Disk (6600 -> 3800). 'Skyblaster' opened fire, and I sidestepped the blasts, all except for one, which clipped me in the shoulder, nearly knocking me off of my feet and leaving behind a nasty burn (3800 -> 1400).

The two 'Skyblaster Tokens' opened fire as well. "Reveal," I declared, "'Quick Summon', calling 'Necro Guardna' from my hand."

A warrior in black and red armor appeared, his arms crossed defensively. He absorbed the blasts from the first 'Token', and was destroyed, but his spirit remained to absorb the blast from the second 'Token', preventing further damage to my Life. Despite myself, I smiled at the challenge placed before me.

This duel just got serious, I thought, and I get the feeling that its going to take everything I've got to win this one, and then some.


My opponent wasted no time calling my bluff and proving my "Ultimate Shield" to be effectively useless. It played two Spells, both made of Shadows. One spread Shadows around my monster, draining him of his strength (4000 -> 3200), and the other wrapped the Behemoth in a dark aura, making him stronger. I only know how powerful the Behemoth became thanks to the damage I took from his subsequent attack (2800 -> 3500). The Behemoth tore through my monster, reducing him to dust, and slamming the ground so hard that I nearly lost my footing (3100 -> 2800). Then more darkness melted away from the Behemoth, and it slumped as it grew even nearer to its inevitable fate, even if its limited time on the field wasn't over yet.


I turned toward another of the many Shadow People, continuing to fight without hesitation. I knew from experience that it was best to think on my feet. I'd learned a long time ago that taking time to regroup just gives your enemies the chance to do the same.

So I set a card, and then I declared, "I tribute 'Combo Fighter' for 'Combo Master'!"

My monster, fit, well-muscled a young man wearing loose pants and a headband sharing the same yellow zig-zag pattern, matured into an older, more muscular version of himself (ATK: 2200).

"'Combo Master'," I commanded, planting my right hand on my almost-bare bikini-clad hip defiantly, "kill that 'Shadow Phantom'."

My monster unleashed a flurry of expertly-placed blows which dispersed the airy creature, sending it back to the Shadows, and leaving a Wisp behind (4000 -> 2800). I would have preferred not to leave the Wisp on the field, but at the moment I didn't have a choice, so I simply declared the end of my turn.

My opponent drew and wordlessly tributed the Wisp for a massive Shadow Behemoth, which roared so loudly that it nearly knocked me over. It reached out with a giant, clawed, paw-like hand and tore my 'Combo Master' apart (2700 -> 2100), leaving me picking up pieces. Lucky for me, I knew just how to go about turning those pieces into something great.


"Time for my counterattack," I told my opponent, still struggling to ignore my brother lying on the ground a few yards away. "I tribute 'Cross-Wing', incidentally adding another 'Cross-Wing' to my Graveyard at the same time, to summon 'Phantom Beast Rock-Lizard'!"

My monster, a creature kind of like a centaur, except that it had a lizard body rather than a body of a horse, and its "human" body was more like a human-like lizard's body than anything else, replaced the many-winged bird at my side, drawing power from the three copies of my favorite monster in my Graveyard (ATK: 2200 -> 3100).

"I equip my monster with 'Fairy Meteor Crush'," I declared, "giving my monster Piercing, and I attack your Shadow Wisp, revealing my face-down 'Horn of the Phantom Beast'."

Horns grew from my 'Rock-Lizard''s head (3100 -> 3800), and he charged, tearing right through the Wisp and the Shadow Creature which it had been protecting, causing them both to melt right back into the Shadows. There were, however, plenty more where it had come from. Immediately another Shadow Creature stepped up to face me.

"I draw a card," I told my new opponent, "from the effect of 'Horn of the Phantom Beast', and I end my turn. Let's see if you're any better than your buddy."

I acted confident, and to an extent I was, because I was going to such lengths to keep myself that way, but I couldn't help take notice of the battles still happening all around me, at the poor direction that those battles were beginning to take. It was obvious that we couldn't keep fighting much longer. All I could hope to do was take as many of the enemies with me as possible when I went.

Card of the Day:
Giant Germ
Played by: the Core Creature

It is clear that the Core Creature relies on swarming the field with DARK monsters and powering them up, and there are few monsters better for such a strategy than this one.

Original Cards in This Chapter:

Next Chapter >>

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