Sunday, October 5, 2014

Yu-Gi-Oh! DE/DA Crossover Special!: A Threat To Us All - Chapter One

And here it is, the crossover special that I mentioned in an earlier post, between my DA and DE casts. Yeah they are my own characters, so it possibly isn't really a crossover, but just another story, but I like to think of it as a crossover. It sounds more exciting. Also it clearly isn't a Duel Force story, it is a story of these two spinoffs. After all the only characters who appear are from those spinoffs, so I think "crossover" fits. Comment below and let me know what you think of it!

Chapter One

The Appearance


Sometimes life sucks for a while, is hard for a while, and you never think it’s gonna get easier. You think that things will never equalize. You make the best of things as they are, and you even come to enjoy overcoming the obstacles that pop in in your life, and you eventually convince yourself that things are okay. You become content, but content isn’t exactly the same as happy. When you are content, you’re only satisfied with things as they are without changing them. When you’re happy, you find enjoyment and satisfaction in everything that happens to you, and in every possibility that presents itself. When you finally find happiness, you just want the tough times to be over for good.

I know a lot of you reading this know what I mean. Businessmen, teachers, stay at home moms, students, soldiers, everyone has it tough. The degree of toughness ranges, and as Humans, we deal. It’s what we do. Just look at me and my friends. We seem to be magnets for the forces of evil, but whenever they attack we smack them down and then we continue on. We deal. And don’t get me wrong, I have fun curb-stomping baddies from time to time. It’s just that, ever since achieving my dream of being sponsored as a professional Duelist by a big-name company, namely Industrial Illusions, I just didn’t want to go through all of that anymore.

That’s not to mention my other big reason to be happy, my girlfriend Karen. We’d gone through and survived our rough patch, and things were better than ever. She’d still get annoyed from time to time by my tendency not to be more consistently mature, and I still had a bad habit of pushing her buttons in retaliation of her more grating tendencies, or just to get a rise out of her, but we both understood that we were just looking out for each other in our own ways. Overall, things were great.

Realize that there is a lot more to this story than what I have the time to write here today, so I’m going to write this as if you’ve read the rest of what I’ve written. Sorry. If you want to know the rest, you’ll have to read it for yourself. Either way, this story begins only a day after my last story ended. My friends Thomas and Ria, Karen, and I had recently been given full run of a cruise ship belonging to our new employer. A (mostly) fully stocked and staffed cruise ship. Pegasus, my new boss, had yet to give us any real instructions. The crew was heading to port in New York Harbor, and was still several days out. Me, I found that boring and spent most of my time trying to annoy the crew into taking us somewhere more interesting, like Hawaii, or the Bermuda Triangle.

My most recent attempt involved using the magic of my Soul of Darkness to manifest a pirate’s hat and stand in the control room issuing orders to the command crew while waving a broomstick around like a rapier. When the most I managed to get out of them was a series of disgruntled stares, I finally gave up, saying, “Fine then, I’ll go play pirate on the deck.”

So I traipsed through the interior corridors and out onto the exterior deck, whistling the theme to Pirates of the Caribbean, dissolving my hat back into my shadow, and twirling my broom a few times like a baton before leaving it propped against a door frame. Aside from our destination, Pegasus hadn’t given us any instructions except to have fun, and that’s what I was determined to do.

You know, I thought, out of nowhere, I could have just made them go where I want. I still could. I have the power.

That one gave me pause. I never ever considered using those powers, the darker powers of my Soul, the darker powers of myself, especially on just some normal guys. Those powers were the powers of my darker half, my secret dark side that I could never let out. Every time I used those powers it meant letting him a little closer to the surface. That was something I couldn’t let happen, that I wouldn’t let happen. So I shook it off. I’d just been forced to use those powers more than usual lately, that was all.

I kept walking, past unmanned booths that would have been sources of entertainment for the ship’s guests, had the ship actually been transporting guests, and toward the large swimming pool in the center of the promenade. Thomas and Ria were there, lounging by the pool. They’d been swimming, but now they were just lying in the sun, curled in each others' arms, just looking at the sky. When they spotted me, Thomas spoke up.

“Hey John,” he said, “if you’re planning on taking a dip, then I think you might be a little bit overdressed.

He was right, of course. He and Ria, however, were dressed perfectly for the occasion, Thomas wearing green and white trunks, and Ria dressed for success in a pink bikini and over-sized sunglasses. Me, I was wearing my favorite old faded t-shirt and weathered black jacket and jeans, and the black-light purple spherical crystal pendant, the Soul of Darkness, that I always wore around my neck.

“Nah,” I replied, “no swimming for me today. I was looking for Karen.”

“Last I saw her,” Ria told me, “she was up near the front of the boat, but I dunno for sure. Chica doesn’t tell me much, ya know.”

I chuckled, “True, thanks.”

I made my way forward. The deck of the ship was huge. There were signs that it had recently been retrofitted. The ship was more than a few years old, but most of it looked new. New floorboards. New windows. It was snazzy. When I reached the forward deck I found Karen sitting cross-legged on some of those new floorboards scribbling in her idea book. She was wearing an airy, lacy white top (I think it’s called a blouse?), capris, and her cute-nerd glasses, which she only ever wears on the occasion that she's scatterbrained enough to lose one or more of her contact lenses. By the way she was scrutinizing her work, I could tell that she’d struck some kind of inspiration.

“What’ya workin’ on?” I asked, sitting down beside her and looking over her shoulder. It took her a second to even realize that I was there.

Without looking up, she answered, “You know that project I’ve been working on for Teacher?”

“Yeah,” I said, “what did Pegasus decide to call it, Synch-up?”

“Synchro,” Karen corrected. “Well, I’ve been thinking, the working concept of the Synchro cards puts them in the Fusion Deck, and makes the cards white, so what if I can create something like an opposite Synchro, a Dark Synchro, with a black card. It would be harder to summon, but more powerful, and there could be one’s that mirrored specific Synchro monsters, like an antithesis thing.”

She leaned over, resting her head on my shoulder, “I dunno, Teacher probably won’t do anything with it, but-.”

“It’s still a fun idea,” I said, finishing her thought for her.

“Yeah. Anyway, Teacher said he’s already working out the kinks in the Synchro idea. He’s even made up a few of my prototypes to play test. He’s being really hush about it (like that’s a surprise), but there could be Synchros in booster packs as soon as next year, if everything goes well. As his Pro Dueling team, you, Thomas and Ria could be the first Duelists to use them.”

I was nodding my agreement when one of Karen’s sketches caught my eye. It looked like my favorite monster, ‘The Fiend Megacyber’, but all evil-looking and armored up.

“Hey, what’s that?” I asked.

“Just a Synchro idea I came up with for you, but I’m not sure I like how it turned out.”

“I like it,” I assured her. “Did you make one for you, too?”

“No,” she answered, going back over some of the sketch’s sweeping, intricate lines with her pencil, “but if Teacher’s even okay with making unique Synchros for us, which I doubt he will be, then I might.”

Finally she actually looked over at me, “Sorry for talking your ear off.” She leaned over and kissed my cheek, “What’s up?”

“Breakfast?” I asked.

“It’s almost noon.”

“Brunch then. The kitchen has just about everything.”

She smiled and nodded, “Sounds good. I’ll meet you in the galley. I wanna drop my notebook off in our room first, and grab my contacts. I forgot ’em.”

“Did you now?” I teased. I kissed her on the cheek, “Okay, see you there. Just don’t take too long or I’ll order for you.”

She made a face, “No way I’ll let that happen again.”

We laughed and got up to go our separate ways. We’d each made it exactly three steps when I was overwhelmed by a wave of sensation coming through my Soul. A sensation of power so intense that I’d only ever felt something like it once, though this was definitely different than the Dark Divine Dragon. That’s when it appeared, a swirling black cloud above us, twice the size of the ship, crackling with energy so intense that it made my skin itch. Karen and I looked up into the darkness, and I could feel that it was alive, and that it wasn’t here to make friends. Moments later Thomas and Ria joined us, looking down on the forward deck from the railing just above us. “What the hell is this thing?” Ria demanded, still in the process of wrapping her bikini-clad self in a towel.

“How should we know?” I replied.

“You’re the ones with magic-y things!”

She was right, of course. I concentrated, and my Soul of Darkness began to glow. My domain of darkness touches almost everything in existence. I can see, feel and touch anything that touches darkness, to some degree or another, even thoughts and memories, or other magic. There was magic in those clouds, which weren’t really clouds. They were more like the darkness itself, but I couldn’t command them. It was disconcerting.

“I don’t know what it is,” I told my friends, “but I don’t like it. It’s,” I struggled to put the feeling into words, “menacing.”

Just then the electricity building in the cloud began to overflow, jumping between the clouds and the ocean and the deck below them. They caused little damage to the ship itself, but I got a feeling that if they hit a person, it would be an entirely different story.

“Inside,” I told my friends, “now!”

The four of us turned in unison and ran for cover.

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