Sunday, November 1, 2015

Digimon ND Special #3: A Threat from Our World - Chapter One

The next special has begun, and it is about a threat that has actually originated in our world. It turns out there are others with Digimon, and not all of them are good people. Luckily John and Sarah and Chief Thompson (the alternate to the Yu-Gi-Oh! Reaper character Detective Thompson) are around to deal with it. The threat that Jen faced was big, but this enemy is even more dangerous.

This special, like Special #1, uses characters created for me by some of my old readers on, so shout out to them if they ever stop by here.

Chapter One

An Unseen Menace

In Cincinnati Ohio, in the dark of night, five figures overlooked the sleepy streets from atop a small skyscraper. One was clearly human. The other four just as clearly were not. All five were completely unseen by those few people who walked below them.

The human figure stood five feet eleven inches tall and wore a long, black coat with baggy sleeves, black shoes, black pants, and black gloves. His eyes were shrouded by the shadow of his long, spiky black bangs. His mouth was twisted into a wicked, sinister smirk. He was focused on a bar and restaurant built into the ground floor of a building across the street. It was filled to the brim with happy, laughing people. The human turned to the second most humanoid of the figures, a pale-skinned, fifteen-foot tall creature with Vampiric fangs, wearing a long cape and a red mask over his eyes.

The vampire nodded, responding to a silent command from the human that was his master. He and the third, fourth and fifth figures, three sheet ghosts with wicked faces and claws, shot over the side of the building. The three ghosts flew into the restaurant, causing everyone inside to panic. They jumped up from their chairs and covered their heads, swatting wildly and blindly at the air above them, all while the ghosts looked on and laughed. One man made the mistake of hitting one of the ghosts with an empty beer bottle. The ghost got angry and slashed with his claws. The man fell to the floor, dead in a pool of his own blood.

Finally people started to evacuate the building, running through the front door and finding themselves face to face with the vampire. He grinned an evil grin and waved his hand. A ribbon of red light spread from his fingers, hitting the evacuees and vaporizing them. The ribbon carried through, into the restaurant. A moment later, the three ghosts flew out of the building, and it exploded from the inside out.

The four inhuman figures rose into the air, returning to their master. From his perch above them, the human stood calmly and watched the people from the restaurant burn while he sang a tune.

My name’s John. I’m a teenager from the suburbs outside of Cincinnati Ohio. I have many good friends: my younger sister Sarah, who has unruly curly blond hair and blue eyes, my mom’s sister’s daughters, my cousins Jen and Kris, who both have dark eyes and hair, my mom’s other sister’s daughter, my cousin Amanda, who has dark eyes and even darker hair, and my friend Jeremy, who has light brown hair and eyes. Jeremy is the only one of my friends who lives in another city. Despite this, we see him on a regular basis.

But more importantly, my friends and I make up a team with great responsibilities. You see, there are other words that exist alongside ours in different dimensions. One of them, the Digital World, is made of data, and is inhabited by intelligent, living creatures that are made up of computer matrices and data code instead of flesh blood and DNA, which come in the form of everything from animals to angels. When a second Digital World was created as a place for the overflowing population of the Digital World to go, its rulers selected my friends and I to be its protectors.

We are the Digidestined. Each of us has at least one Digimon partner who can draw on our inner strength to become more powerful. We were, however, in a period of downtime. After defeating the most recent threat to the second Digital World, it slipped into a state of peace. On top of that, it was summer vacation back home on Earth, so life was pretty good.

Too bad that wouldn’t last.

My sister and I were walking downtown, trying to find the central branch of the local library. I can’t remember why at the time of writing this, but that’s not important. Sarah was carrying her Digimon, the Baby II Level DemiPonymon, in her arms like a stuffed animal. My Digimon, Snakemon and BlackMainemon (also Baby II Level) were hiding in the backpack that I wore on my back.

I ran my fingers through my brown hair and said, “I can’t believe this. The bus should have dropped us off right across from the library!”

“Oh suck it up,” said BlackMainemon, sticking his entire body, consisting of a small, black horse’s head and a stubby tail, out of the backpack. “Either you made a mistake, or they made a mistake. Either complain to the bus company, or shut the hell up.”

“He’s right,” said Snakemon, popping his small green head out as well. “You do complain a lot to no one.”

“Fine Snakemon,” I said, “I’m shutting up. Now get back inside the backpack.”

“Do you hear that?” Sarah asked, pushing her hair out of her eyes.

“What?” I asked.

“You mean those voices?” the tiny horse, DemiPonymon, asked, taking care to remain still.

“What’s so important about voices?” I asked, stopping for a breather, leaning my shoulder against a shop window.

“I think there’s a large group nearby,” said Sarah, “and they seem upset. I’m gonna see what’s up.”

She walked to the corner and peeked around it. “John,” she said, her expression changing from one of passive interest to one of shock, “you have to come see this.” I walked up to her and looked around the corner as well, switching into my mores serious “leader mode”. A short ways down the street, a mob of police officers, PR reps and reporters were swarming around the front of a building. It looked like a restaurant had been built into the ground floor of the building. What really caught my attention, though, was the state of the restaurant itself. It looked like a bomb had gone off inside, and that was probably what the police thought, but I knew better. There were scorch marks on the outside of the building, where something had obviously burned through the outside. I removed an orange tablet computer from my pocket, and I scanned the building and the surrounding rubble. It read positive for data unique to the creatures of the Digital World.

“What’s wrong?” Sarah asked upon seeing my glum expression.

“We need to get to Chief Thompson,” I said. “That building was destroyed by a Digimon.”

We skipped the library and instead caught a bus to the police station. This time we ended up where we wanted to be. We ran inside, asking frantically to see Chief Jeffery Thompson. Luckily, he was already on his way out, and he saw us before his men could throw us out of the building.

“I’ll handle them,” said Thompson. He motioned us into his office, following us in, shut the door, and closed the shades.

“What are you doing here?” Thompson asked as Sarah set her Digimon down, and I removed my backpack from my back, letting me Digimon out. “Is some kind of Digimon attack-?” Then his eyes lit up with a shocking realization. “The bombing,” he said. “It wasn’t a bombing, was it?”

“No,” I said. “A Digimon blew that restaurant up.”

The balding middle-aged officer dropped heavily into his desk chair, his face full of disbelief. “I was on my way up there,” he said. “I just got back from a conference and heard the news, but I already had a strange feeling about this case. My CSI guys didn’t find any bomb components in the debris. It was the same with the other bombing.”

“Other bombing?” BlackMainemon asked.

“Yeah,” said Thompson. “There was another bombing the night before last. Another bar and restaurant just a block away. Same details. Same everything. We lost at least fifty people in each attack.”

“It sound like whoever is doing this is hitting places that are lively at night in areas without much of a night life,” Sarah remarked, her voice solemn.

“This is a Digimon problem, Mr. Receding Hairline,” said BlackMainemon. “There’s nothing that you or your men can do. Let us handle this.”

“What are you going to do?” Thompson asked, shooting my Digimon a nasty look before addressing me.

“We’re going to wait for this Digimon to appear again tonight,” I said, “and we’re gonna stop him.”

That evening, I called Amanda and Jeremy, telling them to meet me at my house. My mom was out of town, so we wouldn’t have to worry about her stopping us from doing what we had to do. Despite the fact that Jeremy lived in another city, he arrived before Amanda. He did so using a clever method that he himself had devised. He opened a Digiport from his house and stepped through to the Digital World. Then he opened another Digiport from the Digital World back to Earth, directing it toward my house. He and his Child Level Digimon, a monkey-ish robot, Mechmon, appeared through the reflective surface of the window into my living room. Amanda was dropped off ten minutes later by car.

Jen and Kris would have to sit this one out. They were away at summer camp.

I explained the situation, and I explained me plan. Everyone agreed to it, including Amanda, our youngest and most selfish member. It did take some coaxing though. We waited until it was dark, and then we used Jeremy’s Digiport trick to travel downtown, across from the sight of the latest attack.

“Okay,” I said, “let’s go over this again. If the pattern holds, and I think it will, the Digimon will attack somewhere within a block or two of here. Teams will be Jeremy and Sarah, and me and Amanda. We’ll canvas the area, watching and listening for any sign of an attack. We’ll keep in touch over the Digivices.”

“How’d you get so good at chasing terrorists through cities?” Sarah asked.

I smiled, “I watch a lot of ‘Law and Order’.”

“It’s dark,” said Amanda, “and cold, and I think that homeless guy wanted to eat me.”

I messed her hair up playfully and said, “Calm down kid. Don’t worry. I’m here, Chickomon’s here, and Serpentmon and BlackColtmon are here.” I gestured toward our Digimon. My Digimon had Digivolved to the Child Level. They were now a long, slender black snake and a small black horse. Amanda’s Digimon, a small Brontosaurus with a phoenix feather tucked into the collar around its neck walked alongside them. “As long as we’re here, you’ll be fine.”

That’s when I heard it. Screaming. Amanda and the Digimon heard it too. We broke into a run. We rounded a corner, and we saw it: a restaurant and bar, filled with people, all of whom were screaming and running around frantically. I scanned the interior with the handheld Digicomp. There were three Digimon inside, but none of them matched the signal from the previous attack. “This might be worse than I thought,” I said. “Get ready to fight.”

I heard a voice from above me demand, “Who are you?”

We looked up, and Amanda screamed in terror at the sight of the Vampiric creature that descended toward us.

“That’s Myotismon,” said Chickomon. “We fought him in the mansion back in the Digital World.”

I scrutinized this new foe. This can’t be the same Myotismon, I thought. It must be a different one. That means we know something about its power, but not everything.

“If you won’t answer me,” said Myotismon, “then I’ll kill you.” He called out, “Bakemon, to me!” Three wicked ghost-like creatures emerged from the building and began circling him. He waved his hand and called, “Crimson Lightning!” A wave of red light spread from his fingers, heading straight for me. I squeezed me Digivice, and it began to vibrate.

“Serpentmon, Digivolve to, Dragonterramon!” Serpentmon became his Adult Level form, a large, black wingless dragon with sharp, powerful claws and teeth. He cried out, “Terra Strike!” and slashed Myotismon’s attack with glowing claws, dispersing it.

“You are Digidestined,” Myotismon said disbelievingly. “Hold them here,” Myotismon commanded of the Bakemon. “I must inform the master that his real prey has arrived.”

Myotismon rose into the air, toward the top of a nearby building. “No you don’t!” I cried. An aura of light flared up around me, and the Neo Crests of Courage and Friendship that were held in the two golden tags around my neck glowed. Armor appeared over me chest, and a cape appeared on my back. A shield appeared strapped to my left arm, and a sword appeared in my right hand. I shot into the air, meaning to stop Myotismon with my own strength.

Bad idea.

Myotismon waved his hand, slinging red lightning at me. I had no chance to dodge. I was hit. My armor disappeared, and I fell toward the ground, thirty stories below. I was in tremendous pain. The edges of my vision were dark, and I could taste blood. I saw a blue streak out of the corner of my eye, but before I could identify it, I blacked out, even as I continued to fall.

Next Chapter (Coming Soon)

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