Sunday, May 24, 2015

Digimon Adventure ND Book Two: The Terror of Tyranterramon - Chapter One

I'm not going to lie, this book is very straightforward. There is a lot of running, and fighting, and running, and fighting again, but amongst all of that there are bits and pieces of the history of the world I created hidden. Jigsaw pieces that make a big picture which is revealed as the story approaches its climax. It is really just one long fight, but there is more to it than that to be spotted by the careful observer.

Also, what I really enjoyed about this book is that we get to see the Digidestined use every skill that they learned in Book One to fight this new threat. They use their tech, their Digivolution experience, and even use the knowledge of their Crest traits to unlock new powers. More than anything, though, they have to become hardened fighters, and no two characters go about it the same way as the story progresses. I show this through John and Jeremy, so keep an eye on them.

Basically I make this a war story with Digimon in it. And no real opposing army, just the massively powerful Tyranterramon. You could say that I made him to be an analogy for how monstrous war can be, but really I just thought fighting an indestructible skyscraper-tall barbarian would be really cool.

This chapter picks up literally where Book One left off, and has practically zero recap, so if you haven't read Book One, you might find yourself a little lost. Fair warning.

Chapter One

Return to the Digital World


“No way!” I exclaimed as the massive humanoid Digimon who called himself Tyranterramon rose toward the rift that he had created in the sky. “He can open rifts in space using his attack?”

I couldn’t believe it. I’d seem giant talking spiders, insects the size of industrial dump trucks, dragons, dinosaurs, a city of living machines, sentient fire, and I’d even done things like making  a horse turn into a knight, and opening a portal with a Tamagachi, but this was unbelievable to me. This thing, this barbarian the size of a city skyscraper, which all of our data indicated wasn’t even at full strength yet, could simply open a hole in the world by trying really hard? It was crazy!

“This could be a good thing,” said my tall dark-haired cousin Jen, interrupting my inner pessimism with logic. “When we fought Tyranterramon together we nearly beat him. If we follow him through the rift to the Digital World we can finish him off without having to worry about collateral damage. If the rift he opened doesn’t close, we should be able to close it with the Digivices using the same command that opens Digiports for us.”

I ran my fingers through my unruly brown hair and said, “Yeah, okay, good point. Alright, let’s get saddled up. We’re following Tyranterramon through.” MetalDragonterramon, my cybernetic dragon Digimon, landed beside me. I stepped onto his metal foot, and we rose into the air, followed by the blue knight Digimon, Knighthramon, who swooped down to pick his icy sword up off of the ground. He flicked his sword, as if flinging water from it, and it became a huge icicle-like lance. Then he jumped up, icy forming beneath his feet wherever he moved them, letting him literally ski through the air Iceman-style. The massive cybernetic dinosaur Digimon MetalBrauntomon picked my youngest cousin Amanda, Jen’s sister Kris, and Kris’s Digimon TechnoPupmon up and placed them on his back. The blue mech Digimon with tank treads for legs, MegaMechamon, picked my friend-slash-rival Jeremy up and placed him on his shoulder, and the mechanical angel Digimon, MechAngemon and TechAngewomon, picked Jen and my sister Sarah up into their arms. Together we flew through the rift and back into the Digital world, which had become our second home.

We barely made it through. It was a rough ride, and getting rougher. Wind spewed from the swirling portal, which began to undulate out of control, nearly knocking us to the ground. The Digimon had to flip over to orient themselves to this side of the portal. On this side the ground was where the sky had just been. As they did, I aimed at the portal with my Digivice and called out, “Close Digiport!” light pulsed from the screen of the orange and black handheld device, into the portal, and it sprung closed.

Tyranterramon, being a wingless Digimon, had to throw his weight so that he flipped in midair, landing on his feet far below, shaking the ground at his feet and displacing several large trees which barely came up to his calves. The Digimon who were still in their higher level forms set us down a good distance away, and rose immediately into the air flying toward their foe. “I know you’re still hurt from that last attack TechnoPupmon,” said Kris to the blue and green mechanical dog, “but they could really use your help.”

“I’m on it,” said TechnoPupmon. “One of the benefits of being a machine Digimon is that I can absorb energy to recover strength, and I can draw energy from the forest around us. I’m already back up to near full.”

“Okay,” Kris replied, still uncertain about much of what was going on around her. Carefully she inserted her Digidisk of Sincerity into her Digiplayer, declaring “Initiate Digiplayer Digivolution.”

“TechnoPupmon, Direct Digivolve to!” he became a nine-foot-tall green, chrome, and blue werewolf with glowing red claws, “TechnoWeremon!” He ran at Tyranterramon, leaping up into a tree, using it like a springboard to launch himself up at his much larger enemy. Blasters emerged from his back and flipped up onto his shoulders, and he called “Biotech Laser!” Massive energy beams fired from the blasters, hitting Tyranterramon in the chest. There was no obvious effect, except to draw Tyranterramon’s attention from the flying Digimon buzzing around him like flys. Tyranterramon turned and swatted TechnoWeremon to the ground.

Meanwhile, MetalDragonterramon and Knighthramon swung around behind Tyranterramon. Knighthramon flung a wave of cold from his lance, and MetalDragonterramon took aim with the laser riffle that he carried in his right hand, firing a thick red beam. The attacks hit, and Tyranterramon was noticeably hurt. He cried out in pain and swung wildly with his long spike-ended tail, throwing both assailants to the ground. Knighthramon was the first up. He shot toward Tyranterramon’s face, swinging his javelin, but Tyranterramon caught the javelin and pulled it from Knighthramon’s grasp, reducing it to ice shavings with a squeeze, and punching Knighthramon at the same time with his super charged and massive right fist. Knighthramon reverted to his Child form, the young black-furred horse BlackColtmon, and fell to the ground.

The metal angels were next to try their attacks. MechAngemon raised his sword, charging it with crackling energy, and TechAngewomon took aim with the crossbow mounted over her arm, a crackling energy arrow appearing in it. They fired off their attacks, Celestial-Tech Sword, and Celestial-Tech Crossbow, and the unique energy that the Metal Angels command converged on its target. Tyranterramon swung his energized fist, canceling out both attacks effortlessly.

But Tyranterramon was distracted long enough for MegaMechamon and MetalBrauntomon, both strong, even though they are only Perfect Level, to get in close. The jets on MetalBrauntomon’s back reversed their spin, blowing flames from the massive Digimon’s eight flamethrowers over Tyranterramon’s entire torso, and MegaMechamon called, “Total Assault!” Weapon ports in his shoulders and torso opened up, and MegaMechamon aimed his guns, firing beams, tazers, and missiles. The two attacks threw Tyranterramon off of his footing, giving the Ultimate Level Digimon, MetalDragonterramon, MechAngemon, and TechAngewomon, a chance to hit full on with their attacks. Tyranterramon fell over.

The Digimon all summoned up their finishing attacks and fired. Tyranterramon rose to his feet, but he had no time left to defend. If the attacks hit, he would die. So he punched at the air, and another rift opened up. He fell through, and was gone. I took my Digicomp's handheld interface from my pocket and scanned the area for a power large enough to be Tyranterramon.

“He’s gone over a mile,” I exclaimed, “in just a second! But at least he’s still in this world.”

“Maybe he’s trying to regroup and recover from some of the damage he took,” said Jen.

“If that’s the case,” said Jeremy, “maybe we should take some time too.”

“No way,” I said. “He’s already taking less damage than he was when he first emerged, and his attacks seem even stronger since he came back to the Digital World. We have to take this chance to finish him off. I just wish we knew how he was making portals out of nothing so maybe we could do the same.”

“He won’t be able to do that for long,” said MegaMechamon, who was hovering nearby. “I’m reading an instability in the worlds’ barrier, probably caused by Tyranterramon waking up between worlds in the first place. It's what allowed Tyranterramon to make a hole between worlds, and what's allowing him to transport between places in this world, but it is already subsiding.”

“Good to know,” I told him. I considered it a stroke of good luck that Tyranterramon would soon lose at least one of the advantages that he had over us.

“Which way are we going?” MetalDragonterramon asked as BlackColtmon and I climbed onto his back.

“North and slightly east, toward the northern beach area,” I replied. We’d never been there, but the map on my Digicomp Handheld device named the region as such.

“Why would he go there?” Jeremy asked, as his Digimon lifted him once again.

“I don’t know,” I replied.

“Maybe,” Jen guessed from her place nestled in MechAngemon’s arms, “he couldn’t control exactly where he ended up. But in case he picked the beach because it would give him some kind of advantage, we should be careful.

I nodded to her, and the thirteen of us took off, soaring toward our foe.

“What happened here?” I asked as we neared the beach. The ocean region directly ahead of us, or at least what used to be the ocean region, was in turmoil. The beach was little more than a broken and rocky expanse, and the sky was darkened by a wicked-looking and massive dark cloud that covered every inch of the sky as far as the eye could see. Lightning struck the water randomly further out, and twisters rose into the air, reaching into the clouds. The air was filled with a thick mist that made it difficult to see details of what was ahead.

“Only one thing could have done this,” said MegaMechamon. “Tyranterramon must have destroyed this region’s Digital Core.”

“The Digicomp mentioned them,” I said, “and I did more research on my own in my free time. The cores are sources of immense power that bind the digital world together, placed here by the Digimon Sovereigns when they created File Two. But no one alive today knows much about them, or even where they are, is that right?”

“Not quite,” said MetalDragonterramon. “Since becoming InfernoKnightmon to fight ViralManipulamon, I seem to remember a little more. In ancient times the locations of the Cores were known to several Digimon, but the Cores were protected by legendary Digimon known as the Five Regions’ Guardians. The locations of the Cores have been forgotten now, and the Guardians are all thought to be dead, their data having broken down long ago.”

“But if Tyranterramon is an Ancient Digimon,” said BlackColtmon, who had made up InfernoKnightmon’s other half, and likely carried the same mysterious memories, “he could very easily know the locations of at least some of the cores, or he might even have to power to sense their energy. He must have come here to destroy the Ocean Core and add its energy to his own.”

“When he’s finished incorporating the Core data,” MegaMechamon said, “He will be much stronger. He won’t be able to absorb all of its power without burning himself out. No Digimon could, not even Manipulamon. I estimate that conversion of the Core data will advance his power by a little less than the difference between an Adult Digimon and a Child Digimon. Still, this is a substantial increase. We have to find him before he’s had a chance to do so.”

“The lightning is keeping me from nailing down his position,” said Jeremy, looking at his Digicalculator.

“My scanner’s having problems too,” I said. “Okay guys, let’s spread out and find Tyranterramon the old-fashioned way.”

Between the mist and the twisters it was ten minutes before MetalDragonterramon, BlackColtmon and I found the massive Digimon. He was in a meditative pose, encased in a cocoon of light, hovering several dozen yards above the turbulent waters below. I contacted the other members of my team through their Digivices, and in just under twenty minutes we were all together. We had to yell over the storm to hear each other.

“What’s going on?” I asked.

“He’s processing the data from the Core,” said Jeremy, reading from his Digicalculator. “He’s compressing the data from the Core and his own data so that it will all fit inside his matrix.”

“He’s doing a much more efficient job than should be possible, too,” MegaMechamon said, sounding afraid for the first time since I’d known him. “His power will grow by even more than I expected, and he may even develop new abilities!”

“This is bad,” I said, “we have to hit him hard and fast before he can get used to this new power. Maybe absorbing so much data will leave him unstable like he was when he emerged, and we’ll be able to hurt him. At least we found him before he regained consciousness.”

“He isn’t going to be unconscious for much longer,” said Sarah, focusing her intense blue eyes on the foe. “He’s waking up.”

Next Chapter >>

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