Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Yu-Gi-Oh! DF Book Eight: Team Duel Regional Tournament - Chapter Five

Okay, so yeah, I just knocked out half of the competitors in one chapter, but let's be fair, only about half of the teams were genuinely interesting. And I think I make it pretty amusing where I can. I say "where I can" because the real purpose of this chapter is to build up one of the opposing teams in particular. There isn't really a villain this book, but this team is the closest that we really ever get. I may over-exaggerated their abilities a tad in this first chapter, but I think it still works out alright. We also don't get to see a lot of dueling from Jen's point of view in this book. So, you know, enjoy what you get here.

Also, yes, those are A Midsummer Night's Dream-inspired cards toward the end of the chapter. And yes, this chapter did end up running really long.

Chapter Five


Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Yu-Gi-Oh! DF Book Eight: Team Duel Regional Tournament - Chapter Four

Now that the characters and their dilemmas have been set up, it's time to set up the tournament itself. This chapter is mostly a big infodump establishing the antagonists of this book, that being the other competitors. As well as bringing a good number of the protagonists together. This is the first time that John and Sarah have competed against each other in a major tournament like this, where their potential careers and their reputations depended on the outcome.

There is some John and Karen stuff at the start, too, but otherwise, there isn't much to this one.

Chapter Four
