Sunday, October 25, 2015

Digimon ND Special #2: Myotismon's Revenge - Chapter Four

And Special #2 comes to an end. This is all canon, of course, and this appearance of Samuraimon marks his last, at least as far as I have plotted the story going forward. There will be one more appearance of each Vipramon and Druidmon as well, and then I will likely retire those Digivolutions for good. Considering how strong they must be to do what they did in Book Two, having them is too much of an advantage for our heroes.

Of course Samuraimon's appearance here is, I think, a cool one. He is a warrior who relies on speed and skill as much as Skullsatamon does, making him a good foil for the Evil Digimon. I think I did a good job of staging their battle so that it is immediately apparent that they are fighting at a level of skill that we really haven't seen before.

Chapter Four

A Matter of Skill

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Yu-Gi-Oh! Reaper - Chapter Seventeen

This chapter is an important one. It not only brings us right up to the doorstep of our big climax, which begins next chapter, but it also re-contextualizes the scene earlier in El's memories, filling in the blanks. It also gives us some character development for James, explaining why he seems so cold when interacting with people in dangerous situations, and setting him on the path toward growing past that habit.

With the posting of this chapter, there are only three more left. That means another two to three weeks of writing Reaper, of writing this story with these characters. I'm going to miss it, but in a way, I'm relieved. This story is heavier than my others, obviously, and, not to sound immodest, the ending of this one comes together really well. I'm really looking forward to sharing it.

Chapter Seventeen

The Search

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Digimon ND Special #2: Myotismon's Revenge - Chapter Three

I'm never nice to the Metal Angels, am I? I build them up as something special, with some kind of tech-enhanced angelic power behind their attacks, and then I have the baddies kick their butts consistently. I'll have to give them something important to do in a later story to make up for that, won't I?

Either way, this chapter is clearly just round one. The hero always has to seem like they are losing as the start, or it just isn't any fun.

Also, how cool is CyberGarurumon? Seriously, the dude is a badass!

Chapter Three

War in the Woods

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Yu-Gi-Oh! Reaper - Chapter Sixteen

There isn't much to say about this chapter. Thompson has his confrontation with the Captain (who I actually had to give a last name this time), but otherwise it just sets the stage for what's coming next.

Chapter Sixteen


Sunday, October 11, 2015

Digimon ND Special #2: Myotismon's Revenge - Chapter Two

The second chapter is here. The source of the portal is revealed as the same Myotismon that Jen defeated in Book One, in a new and more powerful form. He is out for revenge, and his revenge makes him strong. Now Jen must defeat this enemy for a second time, and she might have to get creative to do it, since she'll have to beat him without any of the other campers getting caught in the crossfire.

Chapter Two

The Growing Digiport

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Yu-Gi-Oh! Reaper - Chapter Fifteen

This chapter is mostly more character stuff, but I also tried to build up the coming confrontation as much as I could. None of the mains really understand the enemy's abilities fully, or understand what exactly he is after, if it will really make him unstoppable. They just know that they can't take the chance. There are emotions involved here, and I focus on those emotions more than the events happening around our characters. I gloss over those events because each and every character involved in this portion of the journey is lost in their own head, looking ahead at what is to come.

Also, this leg of the journey is just kind of boring.

This chapter also gives us the first solo encounter between James and Max, which I've really been waiting to include. James really idolized Max early in the story, but I think it is safe to say that things are different now that he knows Max as a person, and he isn't handling it well.

Chapter Fifteen


Sunday, October 4, 2015

Digimon ND Special #2: Myotismon's Revenge - Chapter One

So apparently these are going to go up right away. I'm surprised too, believe me. These two specials are something unique among my stories, as they involve two different groups of my heroes having completely separate adventures at the same time.

The first story focuses on Jen and Kris at summer camp. They are minding their own business when Digimon start appearing from the woods. Jen must take charge and lead her sister and their Digimon to stop these occurrences, especially when she learns that the Digimon that caused all of this did so to get to her.

These specials are written to emulate the style of the Digimon movies/OVA's. The chapters are shorter to quicken the pace, and the action is much more concise than normal. Just FYI. Ya know, so no one complains that I am not writing long enough chapters or something.

Chapter One

Strange Occurrences