This chapter was harder than I expected to write. It is mainly a character-driven chapter, with a very important interaction between Thompson and Reaper. It is their first one-on-one interaction, and it furthers both of their characters greatly.
The scene between the two of them wasn't difficult. It turned out really well, and came really easily. I loved writing it. The difficult part was going from that scene to the necessary exposition, which finally reveals exactly what the killer is after. The details of his goal aren't as important as the gist of what he wants, so the exposition is short and sweet, but I can't help but feel that I handled it a little clunkily. I may end up going back and editing it later. I dunno. If anyone reads this, let me know if it works.
And yes, this chapter technically ends on a cliffhanger. This is intentional, as I wanted to end the chapter on a wham line. I like those.