Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Yu-Gi-Oh! Reaper - Chapter Fourteen

This chapter was harder than I expected to write. It is mainly a character-driven chapter, with a very important interaction between Thompson and Reaper. It is their first one-on-one interaction, and it furthers both of their characters greatly.

The scene between the two of them wasn't difficult. It turned out really well, and came really easily. I loved writing it. The difficult part was going from that scene to the necessary exposition, which finally reveals exactly what the killer is after. The details of his goal aren't as important as the gist of what he wants, so the exposition is short and sweet, but I can't help but feel that I handled it a little clunkily. I may end up going back and editing it later. I dunno. If anyone reads this, let me know if it works.

And yes, this chapter technically ends on a cliffhanger. This is intentional, as I wanted to end the chapter on a wham line. I like those.

Chapter Fourteen


Sunday, September 27, 2015

Digimon Adventure ND Book Two: The Terror of Tyranterramon - Chapter Nineteen

And finally this book, and its characters' long battle with Tyranterramon, resolves. We get to see Protectormon in action, meet him, and learn from him a few things about the history of this world that we didn't before (well, I mean that you didn't before. I knew because I made them up). We learn why Tyranterramon was sealed away rather than killed all those centuries ago, and we learn about the origins of the giant baddie, and why he was the way he was. We also learn a little bit about what is next for the Digital World, and for our heroes. Overall a pretty good climax and resolution if I do say so myself. Repeatedly. To anyone willing to listen.

Next up are two more Specials, set in the real world, after all of this. They probably won't begin right away. I'm not sure when they will, really. At some point there will also be another book or two, provided that I ever finish them. So we'll see.

Chapter Nineteen

The Prophesy Fulfilled

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Yu-Gi-Oh! Reaper - Chapter Thirteen

Finally, finally I've managed to get back to writing. I decided almost immediately to focus entirely on finishing up Reaper. I'll continue DF 7 once Reaper is concluded. That being said, this was not the easiest chapter to start back up with. So many plot elements converge on this chapter, and it had been so long since I'd done any work on it that I'd forgotten a lot of the details. I had to go back and do a lot of reading to make sure everything was fresh again before I could begin.

It took a while.

Either way, I really enjoyed writing this chapter. Finally the four mains have converged and they reach something like an understanding. These are four smart, capable people, and the four of them pooling their resources can only serve to help things along. I'm really looking forward to writing more interactions between these people. It was a lot of fun writing them here. As for updates, they will come as I can complete them, though they will probably still average one update a week.

Chapter Thirteen


Sunday, September 20, 2015

Digimon Adventure ND Book Two: The Terror of Tyranterramon - Chapter Eighteen

Things are coming to a close. InfernoKnightmon is the only heroic Digimon still standing, he seems able to hold his own against Tyranterramon, even if one hit will take him out of the fight, and meanwhile the kids are getting the hang of their new abilities. I tried to make the build to the climax palpable, and I think I pulled it off fairly well. Oh, and TechAngemon and MechAngewomon finally get to do something useful! Hurray!

There is one more chapter after this, consisting of the climax and the resolution. I don't like ending on an odd number like Nineteen, but with merging some chapters together it just ended up that way. Yuck.

Chapter Eighteen

DNA Digivolution Revisited;
InfernoKnightmon’s Power Grows

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Digimon Adventure ND Book Two: The Terror of Tyranterramon - Chapter Seventeen

 John and Jeremy are both really stubborn guys. When the Bio-Merge Ultimates fail, Jeremy leads an attack against Tyranterramon to give John, Jen and Sarah and their Digimon a chance to escape, and when Jeremy's attack inevitably fails, John stubbornly keeps the fight going. At this rate Tyranterramon is going to start finding the heroes charming. He certainly doesn't see them as a threat anymore, if he ever really did. As stubborn as John is, Tyranterramon is equally arrogant.

Chapter Seventeen

Bio-Merge Defeated

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Digimon Adventure ND Book Two: The Terror of Tyranterramon - Chapter Sixteen

This chapter is very heavy on exposition, but I think I do a good job balancing it with action and emotional impact. The deaths of the Five Regions' Guardians is brutal, and the heroes feel the impact of these losses as much as they can in the heat of battle. John feels them the most, since it was his advice to Machinedramon which set them on the path that led here.

But there is still hope, and that's really the only thing that keeps the heroes going at this point: the hope that they still feel. The hope that they can still bring Protectormon back and end the threat of Tyranterramon for good. 

Chapter Sixteen

Birth of a New Power