In Yu-Gi-Oh! R, Deschutes Lew is one of the nicer Card Professors, which is, of course, why I pitted him against Sarah, who is emotional and rude. Okay, so maybe that wasn't too fitting. What was fitting, however, was making this the first duel we see of the Duel Force versus the Card Professors (I'm not counting John v Reiko, since she's kinda defected by this point), since the first Card Professor who Yugi fought was (drum roll, please!) Deschutes Lew!
Yeah, that's really all the reason I have for pairing these two up. As Sarah is a leader now, I could have had her fight Richie, the old leader of the Card Professors, but really Karen just has to fight him, ya know. I could have had her fight Depre, but I really wanted to write John fighting aliens. So Sarah is left with the opening duel of the conflict, with all of the exposition and stuff. Granted she does get some good exposition. Of course, that's mostly just in part two, in two weeks.
Oh, yeah, sorry again for another cliffhanger. Except not. You know the drill.
Chapter Seventeen
Sarah vs. Number Thirteen