Here is another double chapter, because this is the chapter where, finally, after so long, Manipulamon reappears. In fact, this is the first time that our heroes actually meet him in the flesh, and yet I never felt the need to involve him more in the story. His shadow has been cast over everything. There has literally not been a single chapter, as far as I can remember, where his name hasn't been spoken, save the first. We have gotten to know Manipulamon's character through his mechanations, and his influence over others. While I could have written more encounters between Manipulamon and the Digidestined, I didn't really have to, and so such encounters would only have served as padding. So this, Manipulamon's technically first appearance, is also going to be his last.
But first we get a huge fight where I make a bunch of robots fight a bunch of bugs. This story is super serious, you guys.
Final Strike;